Let's Build Better Health Together

I compassionately partner with you, respecting your entire being, to embark on this incredible journey of whole living. You haven't failed. I've been there - fad diets, breastfeeding disappointments, stressed... That's not your ending. You need a fresh start with a wellness partner that implements real lifestyle strategies for lasting change. Allow yourself a bit of grace. 

book Your Appointment below 

Nutrition Counseling

I offer a science-based integrative approach to personalized nutrition. I honor and appreciate your uniqueness, mind and body. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I specialize in mindfulness and functional nutrition for women and children. I'm also a practitioner of Health At Every Size (HAES). 

Lactation Counseling,  Breastfeeding & Formula Support

Breastfeeding is natural, but that doesn't mean it happens naturally. It's not always easy to feed your new baby, maintain feedings, or balance with life's demands. As a Certified Lactation Counselor, I use researched methods to support milk production and a well-nourished baby, breast or formula-fed, while mom deepens the bond with baby. Need help with first foods?

1:1 Coaching 
Mindfulness & Stress Reduction

Sometimes stress is as loud as a siren. Other times, it's a quiet storm. What's certain is that stress is no longer that thing "in your head". It can be the antecedent to many debilitating illnesses including heart disease, digestive distress, obesity, and cancer.  What's more is that it can interfere with life. You'll be amazed at how life's everyday moments can become a much richer experience.

Virtual Clinic Services:

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Me? I've fallen victim to diets. I have had stress that plagued my life, causing physical illness. I believed I had failed at my first attempt at breastfeeding. I've had picky eaters. I've felt completely overwhelmed & exhausted. These experiences are reasons I decided to help women - the busy mom, the do-it-all, stressed out you. You may not know where to start. But, let's take that first step together.

Is it time you felt phenomenal, like you've always wanted to, or did things way better, or addressed that health problem you've been having? Let's make that happen.

You don't have to go at it alone.

real talk:

How It Works

Schedule an appoint with me, your board certified, licensed health care provider and wellness partner


Get you know you, understand your mind and body uniquely, completing comprehensive assessments


Work together towards your goals in achieving optimal wellness through real, attainable lifestyle changes


I'm not only your wellness partner, but I have lived experiences that allow me to connect with patients. I see you. 

I serve a diverse community of women with their own lived experiences, varying customs, cultures, beliefs, and religions that can influence their view and approach to healthcare. 

It is through cultural competence and humility that I'm able to establish a true partnership that delivers respectful care to each client. 

i've been there.

I'm blessed to Be Able to Use My Passion TO Fulfill My Purpose.

Book Now If You Need

to finally take care of you

We've all heard we're better able to take care of others when we take care of ourselves first. Have you prioritized YOU?

To Do Something better

Many of us know we need to eat better, or we need to move our bodies, but sometimes knowing is not enough. We need practical ways to make it happen.


Stress and being overwhelmed has become quite normal, but that doesn't mean it should be status quo. Managing stress can give you, your life back. Remember life's simple joys as a kid?

“A dietitian and lactation counselor that gets women!”

- Dee

Sound Familiar?

You finally Want To Stop Dieting

You're Stressed and overwhelmed

YOu WANT TO BE MORE Present, Happier

You're so tired of Being Tired, Low Energy

you're ready for Real CHange

How 'bout a round of applause? You're putting you first. Once you do that you're better prepared to take care of other things. I look forward to working with you. 

Here's how:
!) Choose Your Service
2) Select By Phone or Video
3) Scroll Down And "Confirm Appointment"

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Let's Do It

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